
2019/07 法國 庇里牛斯山大西洋到地中海 單車遊 Cycling tour crosses the Pyrenees from the Atlantic

      我們參加西班牙旅行社CycleFiesta的自行車騎行活動, 十天九夜的活動, 扣除中間一天休息日, 總共有七天騎行日. 我們只需負責晚餐, 旅行社提供單車, 住宿(含隔日早餐), 騎行中支援(含騎行中飲水點心和中餐), 領隊領騎, 支援車載送行李. 活動從法國西南部...

2019年7月6日 星期六

CTC cycling tour Day 1, Biarritz to Montory , 2019/07/06

        這次騎行間所住旅館均有包含早餐,所以我們每天早上都在旅館內用完早餐,八點半前著裝完畢,之後將行李拿到Lobby。出發前自行檢查一下單車,將輪胎打好氣。領隊Ian 講解當日行程,和中午用餐地點,合影之後即出發,之後支援車駕駛Lucia會將行李送上車並押隊。
      Breakfast is included in the hostel, so we go cycling out of breakfast in the hotel every morning, and take our luggage to Lobby. Check the bike yourself before you go. The leader, Ian, explains the day's itinerary, and the lunch spot, and then leaves after a photo. The support car driver Lucia will carry the luggage on and escort the team.

Biarrize Hotel


       出發時天氣是多雲天氣,很涼快是個適合騎自行車的好天氣。此行是從大西洋騎往地中海,Ian 先帶我們到附近大西洋岸邊的海水浴場前合影。接下來騎單車專用道路,離開海邊城市Biarritz 往比利牛斯山脈騎行。Ian 帶的速度並不慢,大家一路跟著領隊騎,也沒甚麼空檔可以停下來拍照,我和Johnson還是有停下來照相,但大部分時間都是邊騎邊照相。

     It was cloudy at the time of departure, and it was a good weather for cycling. The trip was a ride from the Atlantic to the Mediterranean Sea, where Ian took us first to the sea-water baths on the nearby Atlantic coast. Next ride a dedicated bike path, leaving the seaside city of Biarritz for a bike ride to the Pyrenees. Ian's belt wasn't slow, everyone rode with the leader all the way, there was no gap to stop to take pictures, and Johnson and I still stopped to take pictures, but most of the time we were riding while taking pictures.

Leader: Ian  


First ascending

       騎了一小時經過Hasparren 小鎮,停下來在小鎮教堂前照相後,就繼續騎行。再轉到D-10 叉路口,Ian 停下來等大家到齊, 順便大家休息喝水吃點心。這裡大都是比里牛斯山邊緣的丘陵地形,上上下下的,支援車停在D14公路上一處農場前野餐桌椅前等我們。支援車上有點心和水果,也有能量棒和能量膠。
      After riding an hour past the town of Hasparren, stopping to take a picture in front of the town church, he continued riding. Then go to the D-10 junction, And Ian stops and waits for everyone to arrive, by the way everyone rest for a drink and a snack. Most of this is the hilly terrain on the edge of Mount  Pyrenees , up and down, and the support car is parked in front of a farm picnic table chair on the D14 road waiting for us.  There were snacks and fruit in the support car, but also energy bars and energy gels.

Hasparren 小鎮




      休息補給後就往今日午餐地點Saint-Palais出發,出發沒多久,我感覺大腿快抽筋了,我停下來休息拉筋,Ian 領隊也停下來等我。今天上午騎車時踩踏太重了,導致肌肉受不了。休息後只能輕輕踩踏慢慢騎,抵達Sain-Palais小鎮, 續往小鎮教堂前行,都沒有看到同伴蹤影。我就繼續沿著軌跡往前行到一半山腰休息,只吃一條能量棒和能量膠。休息時和同伴聯絡,同伴在小鎮餐廳用餐,我選擇休息後自行前往晚上旅館。到旅館遇到Lucia 會和她建議,在道路叉路口要有人等待,才不會錯過,或直接告知餐廳名字。

      After the rest, we set off for Saint-Palais, the place where today's lunch. And it didn't take long for me to feel my thighs cramping, and I stopped to rest the cramps, and Ian stopped to wait for me. It was too heavy to pedal this morning, causing the muscles can not stand up. After rest can only gently pedal slowly. Arriving in the small town of Sain-Palais, continuing on to the small town church, no one saw any trace of my companion. I continued along the trail to half the mountainside rest, eating only an energy bar and energy gel, contacting my companions during the break, they were dining at the small town restaurant. I chose to take a break and go to the evening hotel on my own. Meet Lucia at the hotel and I suggest, there's going to be someone waiting at the road crossing, or to inform the restaurant directly of the name.


Saint-Palais 小鎮餐廳用餐


    Saint-Palais is a Basque town in the Mountains of Pyrenees, France, where Basque troops are held on the first Sunday of August 15. On this day, strong men and competing villages compete in spectacular and very old challenges, pulling ropes to race, lifting a bunch of straw over masts, lifting a cart, crushing logs and running a bag of wheat on their shoulders. This year's 11th race of the La Vuelta 19(Spanish cycling race) starts from this town, and will also pass through our accommodation today.

My picnic alone
      看軌跡圖,下午會沿D302前行經過一段坡度超過10%的小陡坡,抵達今天最高底海拔400公尺小山就下坡轉往D147今天的目的地Montory前行。D302 這條路風景不錯,路邊很多大樹,汽車也很少,因為大腿快抽筋了,在爬那段不算長但有點陡的坡,讓我吃了一些苦頭,上山前休息了好幾次。終於到山頂了,雖然只有海拔400米,但是這附近最高點,周圍沒有大樹都是小灌木,視野很好。

      Looking at the track map, we will follow the D302 forward through a slope of more than 10% of the small steep slope in the afternoon, reach today's highest bottom elevation of 400 meters on the hill. This road scenery is good, there are many big trees by the side of the road, cars are also very few, because the thighs are cramping quickly, in climbing that period is not long but a little steep slope. It was hard for me before going up the mountain.  I rested several times. Finally to the top of the mountain, although only 400 meters above sea level, but this near the highest point, there are no large trees around are small shrubs, the field of view is very good.

Highest Hilltop today

     下坡轉往D147經過Mendy轉往D73 沒多久就抵達Montory,往D73直行會上到海拔1000米的Ahusquy,這是今天的加碼路線,我們有兩位美國夥伴去騎這條加碼路線。下午三點多抵達Montory旅館Auberge de I’table,先將自行車放在停車間,到房間洗澡和洗衣服。我抵達的時候,同伴早我十幾分鐘到達,他們和我騎不同路線,沒有像我爬一座小山。從我碼表紀錄來看,我們里程差不多,但我總爬升多了300公尺。

     The descent to D147 passes through Mendy to D73 and arrives at Montory. To the D73 straight to Ahusquy, it will climb to Ahusquy at an altitude of 1000 meters. which is today's extra extended route. We have two American partners to ride this extend route. Arriving at the Montory Hotel Auberge de I'table at more than 3 p.m., put the bike in the parking room, showering and washing in the room. When I arrived, my companions arrived ten minutes early, and they rode different routes, not like Me climbing a hill.  From my Garmin meter record, we have about the same mileage, but I always climb 300 meters more.


Montory Hotel

       這裡的旅館大都有經營餐館, 我們抵達的時候就有約50多人此這裡辦活動和吃晚餐. 這個小鎮很小, 附近沒有大型超市, 也沒甚麼餐廳, 只有賣水果蔬菜的小店. 下午和車友在旅館酒吧小酌. 晚餐和旅館訂餐, 老闆幫我們烤一份豬排, 一份牛排還有義大利麵, 生菜沙拉. 我們還特地點了一瓶本地產的紅酒. 豬排和牛排是炭烤的, 牛排烤得有點太熟, 但豬排烤得很好, 不僅味道好, 肉特別Q彈有勁. 用完晚餐就準備就寢了, 期待我痠疼的腿, 晚上能好好休息, 應付明天的第一座大山Col d’Aubisque.

      Most of the hotels here operate restaurants, and when we arrived, there were about 50 people here for activities and dinners. The town is small, there are no large supermarkets nearby, only small shops selling fruit and vegetables. We stayed in the bar for a drink. We took dinner at the hotel, the boss for us to bake a pork chop, a steak and pasta, lettuce salad. We also specially placed a bottle of locally produced red wine. Pork chops and steaks are charcoal-roasted, steaks are a little too cooked, but pork chops are roasted well. The pork chops taste very good, meat are delicious. I'm ready to go to bed when I'm done with dinner. Have a good rest in the evening and cope with tomorrow's first mountain Col d'Aubisque.




Route: 105km (1,600m ascending)
