今天是CTC騎乘最後一天,延續昨天的熱天氣,這裏接近地中海了,今天天氣也非常的熱。最後一天也是騎乘里程數最短, 爬坡最少的一天。一早沿著D35騎,前七公里是緩下坡,之後爬一座小山爬升300上多米阿爾布索爾(Arboussols),之後在丘陵地上騎行。這個地區被稱為朗格多克-魯西隆(Languedoc-Rousillon),是著名的葡萄園產區,沿途道路兩旁有許多葡萄園。
Today is the last day of CTC riding, continuing yesterday's hot weather, close to the Mediterranean Sea, today's weather is also very hot. The last day is also the shortest number of miles riding, the lowest climb of the day. Early on the D35 ride, the first seven kilometres is a gentle descent, then climb a hill up 300 up to Arboussol, and then ride on the hilly ground. This area, known as Languedoc-Rousillon, is a famous vineyard area, with many vineyards on both sides of the road.
往南可眺望加泰隆尼亞神話之巔 海拔2748米的 卡尼古(Canigou)山峰 |
不久到達一座小修道院Marcevol,修道院位於俯瞰Tet山谷的高原上,風景很美,往南可眺望加泰隆尼亞神話之巔 海拔2748米的 卡尼古(Canigou)山峰。 一早這裡有一些遊客來此觀光,但我們並沒有進入修道院內參觀,這附近的房屋都是以石頭建成的,從這裡已經可以望見地中海了。
We arrived at a small monastery soon, Marcevol, on a plateau overlooking the Tet Valley, with beautiful scenery, south overlooking the summit of the Canigou, the myth of Catalonia, at an altitude of 2,748 meters. There were some tourists here early in the morning, but we didn't go into the monastery. The houses nearhere are all made of stone, and the Mediterranean Sea is already within reach from here.
小修道院Marcevol |
接著往D13騎一小段路,右轉往D17 開始下坡,沿途有許多葡萄園還有橄欖樹。經過蒙塔爾巴萊沙托(Montalba-le-Chateau)後右轉D2公路,在D2公路我回望向蒙塔爾巴萊沙托,是一座很美的小山城,將自行車停下, 為此美麗的山城留影。村莊的頂部被多邊形的壁壘所環繞,該壁壘的歷史可追朔至12世紀。D2公路柏油路面非常良好,下坡騎乘速度飛快,不久多即將抵達泰河畔伊爾(Orgues d’llle-Sur Tet)。這裡有獨特的岩石景觀,這些有沙質岩石柱侵蝕的石壁與石柱,經過500萬年沈積才形成的。 你只要抬頭就會發現,這些岩石看上去就像是一排排的煙囪,而煙囪的頂部,看上去全部都是尖尖的帽子形狀。根據歐洲的傳說,可愛的精靈,都住在這些帶著尖帽的煙囪裡, 因此這些景觀,被當地人稱為 精靈煙囪 或 仙人煙囪。
Then take a short ride to the D13, turn right to D17 and start downhill, with many vineyards and olive trees along the way. Turn right on the D2 after passing Montalba-le-Chateau. On the D2 highway I looked back at Montal Balesato, a beautiful hill town, and couldn't help but come down for this beautiful mountain town to take a photo. The top of the village is surrounded by polygonal barriers, dating back to the 12th century. The D2 road asphalt pavement is very good, downhill riding speed is fast, and soon will arrive in Orgues d'llle-Sur Tet. There is a unique rock landscape, these stone walls and pillars of sandy rock columns, which took 5 million years to build up. You just look up and you'll see that the rocks look like rows of chimneys, and at the top of the chimney, they all look like pointed hats. According to European legend, the lovely elves, all live in these chimneys with pointed hats. So these landscapes, known locally as Elf Chimneys or Fairy Chimneys.
蒙塔爾巴萊沙托(Montalba-le-Chateau) |
這些石柱景觀,被當地人稱為 精靈煙囪 或 仙人煙囪。 |
接著跨過La Tet 河抵達泰河畔伊爾小鎮,沿著D2經過另一個小鎮 聖米舍德洛泰(Saint-Michel-de-Llotes)。開始爬今天最後一座山,也是此行最後一座山,海拔605米的 Col de Fontcouverte。沿途樹木不大,没甚麼特殊景觀,天氣又熱,大家都知道這是今天最後一個爬坡了,使盡力氣努力採摘踏板往上騎,我將迴轉數提高到70轉以上,也追不到前方的Max/John/Johnson,不久就抵達山頂了。前方三位車友還有領隊Ian,支援車也在山上等我們了。 等其他隊友上山,我們在這裡吃點心聊聊天,聽者我小音箱放的音樂。等大家到齊後一起合影,不過還是少了已經不知道騎到那裏的一對美國夫妻。
Then cross the La Tet River to the town of Il on the banks of the Thai River, and along d2 through another town, Saint-Michel-de-Llotes, to begin climbing the last mountain of the day, the last mountain of the trip, Col de Fontcouverte at an altitude of 605 metres. The trees along the way are small, every special landscape, the weather is hot, we all know that this is today's last climb, so that the best efforts to pick pedals up riding, the number of swings to 70 turns or more, also can not catch up with the front Max /John/Johnson, soon reached the top of the mountain. The front three riders and the leader Ian, the support car is also waiting for us in the mountains. Other teammates up the mountain, we have a snack here chat, listen to my small speaker put music. Wait for everyone to get together to take a photo together, but still miss ingress no longer know riding there an American couple.
聖米舍德洛泰(Saint-Michel-de-Llotes) |
此行爬的最後一座山,海拔605米的 Col de Fontcouverte |
接著續沿D2下山,準備騎往今日住宿地點 地中海濱的 阿蓋萊斯-蘇爾-梅爾(Argeles-sur-Mer)。下坡沒多久,會經過D48叉路口,往D48 方向會經過這裡另一座美麗的小山城 卡斯泰爾努(Castelnou),卡斯泰爾努小鎮有一座標誌性建築 子爵城堡,我們沒有往D48,依然一直沿著D2走。下到蒙托里奧(Montauriol),我停下來休息順便幫大夥照相,最後領隊Ian 停在富爾區埃(Fourques)噴泉廣場旁休息。
Then go down the D2, ready to ride to today's accommodation in Argeles-sur-Mer on the Mediterranean coast. It doesn't take long for the downhill to pass the D48 junction, and in the direction of the D48 passes through castelnou, another beautiful hilltown here, with an iconic castle in the small town of Castelnou. We didn't go to D48, we still walked along D2. Down to Montauriol, I stopped to rest and take pictures with the crowd. Finally, the leader, Ian, stopped to rest at the Fountain Square in the Fourques district.
蒙托里奧(Montauriol) |
停在富爾區埃(Fourques)噴泉廣場旁休息 |
一直沿著D2騎,直到接D618公路,開始沿著D618公路旁自行車道騎乘,不久到達阿蓋萊斯-蘇爾-梅爾(Argeles-sur-Mer)。Ian接著帶領大家往地中海濱騎乘,我們在地中海旁沙灘停留一會,七天CTC騎旅終點到了, Lucia 叮嚀我到終點要撥放歌曲 We are the champion,當然也少不了大家一起合影留念。時間已接近當地時間下午兩點了,選擇在海邊一家海鮮餐廳用餐,先抵達的另一對美國夫婦也一起來用餐, 這一餐算是慶功宴了。大部分人都點西班牙海鮮燉飯,我點綜合海鮮,都很好吃,而這裡的餐點比前幾天山上的都還來的便宜。用完餐就回旅館了,要將車子自己的東西拆下來,明天Lucia 就要將自行車載走了。
Ride along the D2, until the D618, start riding along the bike path next to the D618, and soon arrive at Argeles-sur-Mer, where Ian then leads everyone on a ride to the Mediterranean coast, where we stop at the beach next to the Mediterranean. The seven-day CTC ride came to an end, and Lucia ding me to the finish line to dial the song We are the champion. Of course, there is no shortage of people together to take a photo. It was nearly 2 p.m. local time, choosing to dine at a seafood restaurant by the sea, and another American couple who arrived first. The meal was a celebration. Most people order Spanish seafood stews, I order mixed seafood. It's delicious, and the meals here before are cheaper than the ones on the hill the other day. When you're back at the hotel, take the car's own stuff off, Lucia will take the bike away tomorrow.
到達阿蓋萊斯-蘇爾-梅爾(Argeles-sur-Mer) |
騎行終點地中海濱,大家一起合影留念 |
慶功宴 |
我們終於體會甚麼是熱浪,連海風吹過來是熱的,下午我們到附近超市買水和水果,我在路旁小攤子買義式Ice Cream吃。晚餐我們到濱海餐吃海鮮,其他地區車友他們大都吃披薩。這裡除了餐廳外,後面幾條街上很熱鬧,有許多商店賣衣服和小飾品,有許多遊客。用完晚餐已經九點了,街上還有許多人,店也都還開著, 我們閒逛了一會, 找到一家生意最後的冰淇淋店,在買三球來吃。之後慢慢散步回旅館,結束了CTC七天的自行車之旅。沒有在旅館開慶功宴晚會 Party ,感覺有點冷清。建議旅行社應該在晚上辦慶功宴,順道頒發紀念品或騎行證書,來個Happy Ending。
We finally realized what is a heat wave, even the sea breeze is hot, in the afternoon we went to a nearby supermarket to buy water and fruit, I bought Ice Eat at the roadside stall. For dinner we go to the marina to eat seafood, other areas of the car friends they mostly eat pizza. In addition to the restaurant, the back few streets are very lively, there are many shops selling clothes and trinkets, there are many tourists. It was nine o'clock in dinner, there were many people on the street, the shops were still open, we wandered around for a while, found a last ice cream shop in business, and bought three balls to eat. After a slow walk back to the hotel, ending CTC's seven-day bike tour. Without a party party at the hotel, it felt a little deserted. It is recommended that travel agents should host a celebratory banquet in the evening, issue souvenirs or cycling certificates along the way, and come to Happy Ending.
隔天早上Lucia 分兩批載大家到附近西班牙境內的的菲格雷斯(Figueres)火車站, 大部分的夥伴都從菲格雷斯搭火車到巴塞隆納,從巴塞離境回到自己國家,我和Ken則接著後面一星期的巴塞隆納和巴黎之旅。抵達巴塞隆納前,我們先在赫羅納 (Girona) 停留兩個小時,在Girona 來個 權力遊戲(GOT)拍攝地之旅。
The next morning Lucia took everyone to the nearby Figueres train station in Spain in two batches. Most of the partners took the train from Figueres to Barcelona, leaving Barcelona for their home country. Ken and I followed a week's trip to Barcelona and Paris. Before arriving in Barcelona, we stopped two times in Girona for a game of Thrones (GOT) shooting tour in Girona.
路線: 89公里(900米)
Route: 89km (900m)